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We use AWS Backup to automatically back up production resources across all the Modernisation Platform environments.

AWS Backup supports most common AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, EBS and EFS volumes, RDS and DynamoDB databases.

For a full list of supported resources please see here -

Please note that some resources may need extra configuration and new services may require an additional opt in. Please refer to the AWS documentation and if you have any questions please ask the Modernisation Platform team.

Production Backups

What is backed up?

Resources which have the tag - is-production = true will be backed up. Resources which have the tag - is-production = true and the tag backup = false will not be backed up.

Backup schedule

Backups are taken daily at 00:30.

Retention period

Backups are retained for 30 days.

Non production backups

What is backed up?

Non production resources which have the tag - backup = true will be backed up.

Backup schedule

Backups are taken daily at 00:30.

Retention period

Backups are retained for 30 days.

Custom backup plans

If the above built in backup plans are not suitable, you can create your own backup plans via code in the modernisation-platform-environments repository.

How to find your backups

You can view your backups my navigating to AWS Backup in the AWS console and clicking “Backup vaults”.

You can also view backups via the normal methods for viewing snapshots and AMIs (eg. EC2, Elastic Block Store, Snapshots).

This page was last reviewed on 16 November 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 16 May 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 16 May 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.