Core Workflows (CI/CD)
We use trunk base development in the Modernisation Platform, with all platform infrastructure stored in the modernisation-platform repository.
For our CI/CD pipelines we use GitHub Actions.
Workflow files are found here
Terraform workflows
Workflows which create terraform resources in our core accounts and creates new member accounts.
Name | Description | Terraform location | Workflow file |
Modernisation Platform account | Creates key resources such as S3 state buckets for the platform | terraform/modernisation-platform-account |
modernisation-platform-account.yml |
Environment creation | Creates member OUs and accounts | terraform/environments |
new-environment.yml |
Core Logging | Creates the core logging account resources | terraform/environments/core-logging |
core-logging-deployment.yml |
Core Networking | Creates the core networking account resources | terraform/environments/core-network-services |
core-network-services-deployment.yml |
Core Security | Creates the core security account resources | terraform/environments/core-security |
core-security-deployment.yml |
Core Shared Services | Creates the core shared services account resources | terraform/environments/shared-services |
core-shared-services-deployment.yml |
Core VPC | Creates the core VPC resources in the VPC accounts | terraform/environments/core-vpc |
core-vpc-development-deployment.yml ,core-vpc-test-deployment.yml ,core-vpc-preproduction-deployment.yml ,core-vpc-production-deployment.yml
GitHub Terraform | Creates the GitHub teams and repositories in GitHub | terraform/github |
terraform-github.yml |
PagerDuty | Creates PagerDuty teams, users, services and schedules | terraform/pagerduty |
terraform-pagerduty.yml |
Bootstrap Sprinkler | Creates resources for Bootstrap Sprinkler | terraform/environments/bootstrap |
bootstrap-sprinkler.yml |
Single Sign On | Manages deployment and updates of single-sign-on configuration | terraform/single-sign-on |
terraform-single-sign-on.yml |
Reusable Terraform Plan Apply | Callee pipeline which executes the terraform ‘plan’ and ‘apply’ commands. It is triggered by multiple workflows which include the Modernisation Platform account, core logging, core network, core security, core shared services, core VPC, Github Terraform and PagerDuty | none |
reusable_terraform_plan_apply.yml |
New member file creation workflows
These workflows create the new files needed for new member accounts.
Name | Description | Workflow file |
New environment files | Creates new files in the modernisation-platform repository | new-environment-files.yml |
New member environment files | Creates new files in the modernisation-platform-environments repository, also creates the GitHub environments | new-member-environment-files.yml |
Notify New Users | Notifies new users when their accounts have been created | notify-user-new-environment-created.yml |
Other workflows
Name | Description | Workflow file |
Publish | Publishes pages in the source/ directory to our GitHub pages user guidance |
publish-gh-pages.yml |
Format Code | Formats code once a week and raises a PR for review | format-code.yml |
Labeler | Adds labels to our pull requests depending on which folders are changed | labeler.yml |
OPA Policies | Runs Open Policy Agent validation tests against our json files | opa-policies.yml |
Scheduled Baseline | Runs the baseline code across all accounts ensuring security baselines are still in place | scheduled-baseline.yml |
Terraform Static Code Analysis | Runs Trivy, Checkov and TFlint against all Terraform code | terraform-static-analysis.yml |
Generate Dependabot File | Generates a new dependabot file to add any newly added Terraform folders | generate-dependabot-file.yml |
Add issues to project | On new modernisation-platform repository issue creation adds the new issue to the Modernisation Platform project | add-issues-to-project.yml |
Terraform Documentation | Generates Terraform module documentation | documentation.yml |
Scorecards | Generates OSSF scorecard security findings and publishes them on the repository security tab in GitHub | scorecards.yml |
Code Scanning | Runs Static Code Analysis and uploads findings and publishes them on the repository code scanning tab in GitHub | code-scanning.yml |
Secrets Rotation Reminder | Checks the age of Modernisation Platform secrets and raises issues to prompt them to be rotated regularly | secrets-rotation-reminder.yml |
Close Stale PRs | Sets PRs and Issues as stale after a period of inactivity and closes them as appropriate | close-stale-prs.yml |
This page was last reviewed on 2 January 2025.
It needs to be reviewed again on 2 July 2025
by the page owner #modernisation-platform
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