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Creating AWS Accounts for Teams


Here’s an example of an account request, and the steps that were taken in order to create it. There are links to pull requests and the stages they need to be opened and merged, as well as references and explanations as to why.

Information Required

Customers will fill out the new-environment template via our public repository here and supply the required information.

Attribute Description
Application name (file name) The name must be in lowercase and a maximum of 30 characters. For our example we have data-and-insights-wepi
isolated-network If the user has requested an isolated network environment only complete the New Environment Files and stop when you reach the Networking Stage as this is not required.
GitHub team slug This is the name of your GitHub team that will be accessing the environment. Environments are accessed via single sign on (SSO), so to give people permissions to access your environment you just have to add them to your GitHub team.
Access For our example, sandbox access has been requested. To read more about access levels, click here
Environment This is one of the four valid environments, development, test, preproduction or production
Tags application, business-unit and owner are in tags, and they are used to tag your AWS resources inside of your account.
Additional features This example has no additional features, but things VPN endpoints and extended DNS zones are requestable.

New Environment Files

1. Create a new environment file


See an example file here.

Note - If you are adding an environment to an existing application you can add the new environment block to this file, you do not need to create another. Creating multiple environments in bulk is supported, but creating multiple application accounts is not.

By default the codeowners for the application teams folder in the modernisation-platform-environments repository will be the GitHub teams defined in the access block.

You can override this by defining codeowners as an attribute for that application.

"codeowners": ["<owner-name>"], Replace <owner-name> with a GitHub team such as modernisation-platform.

This will restrict code approval to only the GitHub team slugs listed in the ‘codeowners’ attribute.

See #5957 for an example of the change required.

By default all teams listed in the access blocks for an environment can approve the corresponding Github action runs.

You can override this by defining github_action_reviewers as an attribute for the application.

"github_action_reviewers" : ["<owner-name>"], Replace <owner-name> with a GitHub team such as modernisation-platform.

This will restrict Github action approval to only the GitHub team slugs listed in the ‘github_action_reviewers’ attribute.

See #6338 for an example of the change required.

2. Update the expected.rego

Update the policies/environments/expected.rego file with the newly added application name.

This is to make sure that none of the json files gets accidentally deleted. This is going to be validated with the opa-policies GitHub Actions workflow.

3. Create a pull request for the changes made in steps 1 and 2

This will trigger the new-environment workflow, which will run its check-environments-deployment-plan. You can see what will change in the output from GitHub Actions.

4. Merge the pull request

This will run the new-environment workflow to create a new AWS account.

This will also run the new-environment-files workflow which generates two new pull requests if this is the first environment of the new application:

If the environment is being created for an account type of member-unrestricted it will not create the PR in the modernisation-platform-environments repository and this step can be ignored.

  1. Creating application files in the modernisation-platform repo.
  2. Creating application files in the modernisation-platform-environments repo.

Note - These PRs are only created the first time an environment for an application is created, eg the first time you create a new application.json file. If you add to an existing environment the PRs will not be created.

The new-environment workflow may fail if the account alias is already in use. If this happens, add the environment name to the skip-alias local. Merging this PR will run the required jobs again.

5. Merge the pull request created in the modernisation-platform repo (step 4.1)

6. Merge the pull request created in the modernisation-platform-environments repo (step 4.2)

Note - The plan will fail on these PRs due to the networking not yet being complete. This is fine, the goal of these PRs is to create the necessary files, not make deployments.

Note - isolated network environment setup stops here and is completed.

Networking Stage

This stage sets up Resource Access Manager (RAM) sharing to share the relevant business unit subnet sets to the application account.

Business unit VPCs and subnet sets are already created for all the MoJ business units. If an additional VPC or subnet set is needed, see guidance here..

If the environment is being created for an account type of member-unrestricted this stage is not required and can be ignored.

1. Add the application to the relevant subnets

Add the application to the subnet sets in environments-networks.

Most applications will be added to the general subnet set. If they need something different see the above guidance on creating VPCs and subnet sets.

2. Update the OPA policies

Update the policies/networking/expected.rego file to include newly added environments. This is to ensure that none of the subnets get accidentally deleted. Here’s an example of a pull request for this stage.

Note remember to add the full environment names, eg data-and-insights-wepi-development not just the application name.

3. Create a pull request for the changes in step 1 and 2

This will then kick off core-vpc-<env>-deployment pipelines and run terraform plan, terraform apply and the scripts/ script for the RAM share.

This will run the RAM share successfully if you are adding environments for an existing application. If it is a new application the RAM share won’t sucessfully run until the next step.

The pipeline will also generate a PR for networking variables in both the modernisation-platform and modernisation-platform-environments repos. An example can be found here

4. Merge in the two generated PRs from step 3

This will run the RAM share script again (it needs to run in the previous step as if adding an environment the networking files will already be there, it need to run in this step as this is the first time adding the networking files)

If the RAM share script fails to run on the merge for any reason, it will have to be run manually in the relevant application folder here.

Checking its creation

You should be able to see the account or accounts created here

Logging into the account, you should be able to view the subnets, and be displayed with

SSO main menu

Inform Customer

When you close the ticket in GitHub, the requester will receive a notification informing them that the requested accounts have been successfully created.

This page was last reviewed on 20 March 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 20 September 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 20 September 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.