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Set Up Macie


It is relatively easy to set up Macie for users and it needs to be done on an account by account basis. NOTE Macie ONLY looks at S3 buckets and it will not look at databases or EC2 settings, for example.

There is an AWS video explaining the set up and use of macie demo which you can watch.

AWS also have a brief outline of the purpose of Macie. Check the documentation to to see if it is suitable.

Starting Macie with Terraform is possible and the instructions are shown below. I have also listed the details of setting up jobs. The example only shows a few of the many items that can be included. Details from Terraform are shown below the example code.

Terraform code

Below there is an example of how the items were set up in Example following the instructions listed here.

Example Terraform code

The MemberInfrastructureAccess was amended to include “macie2:*” so no other user access is required. All users can access the Amazon Macie through the system by following the code below.

Full details of this creation, including information on the likes of job type, are shown in the code ( in the modernisation-platform-environments repo for Example. The comments can be removed but are included here to provide explanation. They are not shown in the Example repository.

# Create macie account
# Account name is MacieAccount. Publishes data every hour (choice are FIFTEEN_MINUTES, ONE_HOUR or SIX_HOURS).

resource "aws_macie2_account" "macieaccount" {
  finding_publishing_frequency = "ONE_HOUR"
  status                       = "ENABLED"

# Now create a job
# Job type options are ONE-TIME and SCHEDULED. If scheduled is chosen you need to select a frequency using schedule_frequency of daily_schedule, weekly_schedule or monthly_schedule
# The buckets list should be replaced but a list of buckets to examine. This could be limited to those in the account you are connected to or others to which you have access.
# Below there is a limited list of those from example shown.
# There are many other job options available and these should be looked at in terrform [job creation](

resource "aws_macie2_classification_job" "test" {
  job_type = "ONE_TIME"
  name     = "<an appropriate job name>"
  s3_job_definition {
    bucket_definitions {
      account_id = local.environment_management.account_ids[terraform.workspace]
      buckets    = [,,,
  depends_on = [ aws_macie2_account.macieaccount ]

Note - it may be necessary to add the following to the above terraform in the event of an apply error:

job_status = “RUNNING”

Further information can be found in the links below.

Set up a Macie account

Creating a Macie job

This page was last reviewed on 18 April 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 18 October 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 18 October 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.