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Useful scripts

In the Modernisation Platform repository, we have some useful scripts to:

  • help to automate parts of our day-to-day tasks whilst working on the Modernisation Platform
  • map common functions to work in CI/CD

Git scripts

The scripts prefixed git- are for running common git commands as part of CI/CD.

Filename Description Used in CI/CD? Configures git with the modernisation-platform-ci GitHub user example Checks out a branch named date-${epoch-time} and commits files changed in the provided path example Creates a pull request back to main from the current checked out branch example Add a comment to a pull request example Keeps dependabot.yml up to date with module dependencies example

Terraform scripts

The scripts prefixed terraform- are for running common terraform commands as part of CI/CD.

General use

Filename Description Used in CI/CD? Runs terraform init in the provided path with appropriate flags set for CI/CD example Runs terraform plan in the provided path with appropriate flags set for CI/CD, and redacts the output (see example Runs terraform apply in the provided path with appropriate flags set for CI/CD, and redacts the output (see example

Specific use

Filename Description Used in CI/CD? Runs sed to redact values from terraform plan and terraform apply example

Other Scripts

Environment Provisioning

Filename Description Used in CI/CD? Runs terraform workspace new ${application-name}-${environment} in the provided directory example Runs terraform plan or apply across all remote terraform workspaces in the provided directory example Copies templates/*.tf files to an environment directory when a new environment is created example Copies templates/*.tf files to the member environment repository when a new environment is created example Creates networking RAM associations when new networking is created example

Internal scripts

Filename Description Used in CI/CD?
internal/ This script looks for any directory that holds a *.tf file, unless it’s a .terraform directory or is the templates/ directory, and runs terraform init -upgrade within them. It’s useful for bulk-updating all of the Terraform providers and modules in one go
internal/ This script finds terraform workspaces for an environment when it needs to be deleted
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