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Adding a new team member to the Modernisation Platform

There are a few things to do when a new team member joins:

  1. Add them to the team page
  2. Add them to our GitHub team

    If they need access to our AWS landing zone:

  3. (Optional) Add them as a superadmin to our AWS landing zone

Adding them to the team page

To add them to our team page, update the file at source/team/ with:

  • their name and job title
  • an updated count of team members

Submit a pull request and when it’s merged, they will appear on our team page.

You can view a sample PR in case you get stuck.

Adding them to our GitHub team

To add them to our GitHub team, update the file at terraform/github/ with:

  • their GitHub username either in:
    • the general_members list, if they don’t need access to AWS
    • the engineers list, if they do need access to AWS via AWS SSO

If they are a GitHub organisation owner, add them to the maintainers list too. This is because GitHub will return their role as a maintainer, because GitHub organisation owners always have those permissions.

You can view a sample PR in case you get stuck.

Adding them as a superadmin in our AWS landing zone

To add them as a superadmin in our AWS landing zone, add their firstname.lastname in the modernisation-platform-terraform-iam-superadmins file. You can optionally add a Keybase username to obtain the initial password as a PGP encrypted output.

You can view a sample PR in case you get stuck.

Once your PR has been merged, create a new GitHub release for the IAM superadmins module sample release.

In your local Modernisation Platform repository clone:

Once their IAM user has been created, log into the AWS console yourself and:

  • switch into the superadmin role in the Modernisation Platform account
  • go to their IAM user in IAM Users
  • go to the Security Credentials tab
  • call the user and assign an MFA device with them
  • configure console access with an autogenerated password and require a password reset on their next login
This page was last reviewed on 16 November 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 16 May 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 16 May 2024 by the page owner #modernisation-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.