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Core Shared Services Account Setup


The core-shared-services-production AWS account hosts resources used by other Modernisation Platform accounts.

Resource Description
S3 Stores code artefacts output by modernisation-platform and other member resources
KMS Manages per-business-unit KMS keys
ECR Hosts docker container images
Microsoft Active Directory Controllers Customer infrastructure managed by DSO team
VPC Provides networking resources
Instance Scheduler Lambda Manage start/stop schedules for non-critical instances


1. Account Creation

To initiate the account recreation process, go to the GitHub Actions page for the Modernisation Platform repository and trigger the new environment workflow. This workflow should detect that the account no longer exists and propose to recreate the account. As part of this process, it will also execute the baseline runs for the account.

2. Deploy Core Shared Services Resources

This can be achieved by triggering core-shared-services deployment workflow run, which can be found here. Alternatively, this can be done as manual deployment: - Navigate to the modernisation-platfom repo and change to the core-shared-services directory - Run terraform plan in the production workspace - Using admin credentials, execute terraform apply

3. Verify Resources

  • Log into AWS Console for the core-shared-services account
  • Check and verify that resources have been correctly provisioned (KMS keys, VPC, etc.)

4. Notify customers

  • Inform our members that the account has been recreated
  • Liaise with owning teams to validate any rebuilds


This page was last reviewed on 19 September 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 19 March 2025 by the page owner #modernisation-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 19 March 2025 by the page owner #modernisation-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.