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Modernisation Platform Account Setup


The Modernisation Platform AWS account hosts resources used by other Modernisation Platform accounts.

Resource Description
S3 Stores Terraform state files for Modernisation Platform accounts, account-local AWS Config info, cost reports
DynamoDB Holds state locking table for Terraform
Secrets Manager Stores values used by Modernisation Platform accounts
IAM Contains accounts for external collaborators
KMS Encryption keys, some account local, but one used to secure PagerDuty secrets


1. Account Creation

Configuration to create the Modernisation Platform account is stored in code in the aws-root-account repository.

If the account has been accidentally deleted less than 90 days ago you can refer to this guidance.

To recreate the Modernisation Platform account, a person with appropriate access can run GitHub actions in aws-root-account repository.

2. Deploy Modernisation Platform Resources

Configuration of resources in the Modernisation Platform account is stored in code in modernisation-platform repository.

SSO roles in the Modernisation Platform account will be provisioned by AWS IAM Identity Center in the aws-root-account repository.

To recreate these resources you can run the Terraform: modernisation-platform-account action in GitHub.

If a GitHub Actions deployment is not available the resources can be redeployed locally: - Navigate to the modernisation-platfom repository and access the terraform/modernisation-platform-account directory - Using admin credentials, execute terraform apply from the default workspace

3. Verify Resources

  • Log into the AWS Console for the Modernisation Platform account.
  • Verify that resources have been correctly created.
    • Does an S3 bucket exist for Terraform state files?
    • Does a DynamoDB table exist for Terraform state locking?
    • Do Secrets Manager secrets exist and are they populated?
    • Are KMS keys created with correct aliases?
    • Have collaborator IAM accounts been recreated?

4. Notify customers

  • Inform Modernisation Platform team of rebuild process
  • Inform customers that account has been recreated
  • Work with customers to import cached Terraform statefile objects into S3


This page was last reviewed on 19 September 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 19 March 2025 by the page owner #modernisation-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 19 March 2025 by the page owner #modernisation-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.