Working as a Collaborator
A member of the ministryofjustice
GitHub Organisation can request the set up of a new external collaborator here.
Once you have been set up as a collaborator you can -
- Create infrastructure in the modernisation-platform-environments repository
- Deploy infrastructure via GitHub Actions workflows
- View your accounts via the AWS console
- Use AWS credentials
- Run Terraform plans locally
- Access EC2s and databases
Logging in to the AWS Console
Click on the AWS Console url -
You will see the sign on screen, choose IAM user and enter the Modernisation Platform landing zone account alias - “moj-modernisation-platform”.
Enter your user details using the temporary password provided to you. If you have not received these details, check that the account has been set up first)
Once signed you will be prompted to change your password. The password must be at least 14 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character.
The next step is to create your MFA token as shown in the AWS documentation here.
With the MFA created you can fully log in and switch role to the relevant account.
You will need to know the account number or alias of the AWS account you want to switch to and the role you have been assigned, these will be told to you on initial user set up, the valid roles are:
Role | Description | Typical User |
read-only | Read only console access | Used by read only users such as security testers |
security-audit | AWS security-audit policy | Used by security testers |
developer | Read only console plus other permissions such as the ability to set secrets,restart EC2s, raise support tickets. | Used by engineers working on the application infrastructure |
sandbox | Admin role to perform most AWS actions via the console | Used by engineers to make development easier in some situations, only allowed in the development account |
migration | Role with developer and AWS migration services permissions | Used by engineers to migrate applications, will be removed before application goes into production |
instance-access | Role for login access to EC2 instances and secret access controlled by instance-access-policy resource tag | Used by application support teams. |
instance-management | Role for use by instance management with permissions for EC2 and RDS instances and all secrets | Used by database or EC2 administrators to migrate services and perform tasks. |
security-audit | Role with AWS managed SecurityAudit policy | Used by members of security and audit teams. |
S3-upload | Role for managing S3 buckets. Access buckets in the same AWS account via the S3 console or cross-account buckets using: Replace my-test-bucket with the actual name of the bucket you wish to access. | Used by collaborators requiring cross-account S3 bucket access. |
You can see the accounts and roles assigned to you here.
Getting access credentials
AWS provides credentials which can give you programmatic access to your AWS account. This enables you to run AWS CLI commands or Terraform plans locally.
Running a Terraform plan locally as a collaborator
Set credentials
To run a Terraform locally as a collaborator, you will need to get your AWS credentials. See above for creating and obtaining these, you will need use a tool such as aws-vault to handle MFA, or you can generate a session token using the AWS CLI. (Terraform does not support the use of MFA well when assuming roles.)
Set the role you assume
There are different access levels that map to different roles that you can assume when running Terraform.
By default if you do nothing the role you assume will be the developer
If you wish to assume another role, eg migration
or sandbox
you will need to set an environment variable:
export TF_VAR_collaborator_access=migration
Install Terraform
Follow the instructions here to install the latest version of Terraform according to your platform.
Run Terraform plan
- Navigate to your application infrastructure code -
cd modernisation-platform-environments/terraform/environments/my-application
- Run a Terraform init -
terraform init
- View the workspaces (you have different workspaces for your different environment accounts) -
terraform workspace list
- Select the required workspace -
terraform workspace select my-application-development
- Run a Terraform plan -
terraform plan
Running a plan locally has read only permissions, you will not be able to run an apply, destroy or import.
Accessing EC2s as a Collaborator
You will need to have the developer
, instance-management
or instance-access
role in order to use SSM/Bastion.
- Download the AWS CLI
- Ensure you have your AWS credentials
- In your terminal enter
aws configure
to set up credentials and enter the key and access key created in the previous step. - Open
in a text editor and enter the following to create your AWS profile:
[profile <my-application-account-name>]
source_profile = default
role_arn:arn:aws:iam::<your application account number>:role/developer
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::<landing zone account number>:mfa/<your user name>
Accessing EC2s with SSM Agent installed
Most modern AMIs will already have the SSM Agent installed. You can connect to these instances directly with Session Manager.
The developer
and instance-management
role allow full SSM access to all resources.
The instance-access
role allows restricted access based on the instance-access-policy
resource tag:
Resource | instance-access-policy tag value | Description |
EC2 | undefined | Full SSM access allowed |
EC2 | none | No access via SSM allowed |
EC2 | limited | SSH and Port Forwarding over SSM allowed |
EC2 | full | Full SSM access allowed |
SecretsManager Secret | undefined | No access to secret |
SecretsManager Secret | none | No access to secret |
SecretsManager Secret | limited | Read-only access to secret |
SecretsManager Secret | full | Read-Write access to secret |
The instance-management
role allows restricted access to secrets based on the instance-management-policy
resource tag:
|SecretsManager Secret|undefined|Read-only access to secret|
|SecretsManager Secret|full|Read-Write access to secret|
- Start a basic Session Manager session
This will give you a Linux shell or a Windows powershell with root/Admin access.
aws ssm start-session --target i-12345bc --profile <my aws profile>
- Start a port forwarding Session Manager session
The following example starts a port forwarding session mapping remote port 1521 to local port 1521.
aws ssm start-session --target i-12345bc --profile <my aws profile> --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession --parameters '{"portNumber":["1521"],"localPortNumber":["1521"]}'
- Start an SSH session using Session Manager
Connect using SSH over SSM. Useful if you want to restrict sudo access. The relevant user and ssh key-pair must be configured on the EC2.
Example SSH config ~/.ssh/config
Host i-*
ProxyCommand sh -c "aws ssm start-session --target %h --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters 'portNumber=%p' --profile <my aws profile>"
User <my ec2 username>
And then just ssh i-12345bc
- Accessing Windows EC2 via Fleet Manager Remote Desktop console
Launch Fleet Manager RDP Connect and add the relevant node.
Log-in using either: - Single Sign-On (for local admin user) - Key Pair (providing Administrator key pair is configured) - User credentials (if EC2 is joined to a domain for example, or another local user configured)
Accessing EC2s via a bastion
- Create a bastion EC2 using the bastion module
- Create or share your public key and preferred username as detailed in the bastion readme
- Open
in a text editor and enter the following:
Host bastion
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa #local path to the public key provided in earlier
User <your user name>
ProxyCommand sh -c "aws ssm start-session --target $(aws ec2 describe-instances --no-cli-pager --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=bastion_linux" --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].InstanceId' --profile <my aws profile>) --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters 'portNumber=%p' --profile <my aws profile> --region eu-west-2"
- To SSH or other port tunneling (eg to connect to a database) through the bastion to your EC2 instance, using the relevant ports:
ssh -L 33389:<IP address of destination instance>:3389 bastion
Useful Tips
AWS Vault is a useful tool, and can be found here. Mac users can install it using Homebrew.